Miniatury Liryczne/Lyrical Miniatures

Świder, Józef (1930-2014)
Miniatury Liryczne/Lyrical Miniatures  (12:00)   1975   Publisher: PWM (c1978)

I. Larghetto
II. Allegro
III. Andante
IV. Animato
V. Lento
VI. Allegretto
VII. Larghetto

Instrumentation: flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon

Świder’s style is characterized by an emphasis on operatic and dramatic melody, and freedom of expression. Often the composer employs dynamic extremes to create the dramatic contrast.

The title of the work (Lyrical Miniatures) suggests well the form of the whole composition. Each miniature is contrasting in tempo and style. The first is an expressive, rubato introduction. It sets the tone for the whole piece with rhythmic and dynamic contrast. The second miniature is bounded by an underling rhythm of four eight-notes followed by a rest, which makes the traditional 4/4 meter somewhat unstable. The third miniature is a play on the interval of the second. The fourth introduces an operatic melody on top of constant sixteenth note runs meandering between all the voices. The fifth miniature takes the concept of the fourth miniature to a higher level in the accompaniment, by introducing septuplets and octuplets. The sixth miniature makes use of a collection of ideas from the previous miniatures, and the final, seventh miniature recapitulates the melodic and rhythmical statement of the first miniature, thus creating the conclusion to the piece. 

The most severe challenges facing the ensemble preparing this work are rhythm, and expression. Very careful rhythmic rehearsal is needed for many of the miniatures. Often the parts are marked at an equal dynamic level, so the ensemble needs to make very good decisions on balances to keep the melody in the forefront. In miniature number IV there is a high a flat in the oboe that will need a special fingering. In miniature number V the horn is written in the highest range possible, making the part difficult. 

Grade: V-VI

Recordings: none

Sheet music source: out of print

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